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Ashworth College Blog

Why Ashworth

We’re in the business of breaking down barriers for our students! With more than 30 years experience, we truly understand the very real obstacles you face. But—more importantly—we know how to help you overcome those obstacles and reach your full potential.

Veterinary Tech instructor Danielle Wants to Help People Help Animals

Written by Des Sinkevich on Thursday, 28 April 2022. Posted in Why Ashworth

Danielle Chesek veterinary technician teacher.

At Ashworth, our instructors care passionately about the subjects they teach and the future of the fields they dedicate their lives to. Veterinary technician instructor, Danielle Chesek, has years of experience as a vet tech and now thrives in teaching learners how to succeed on this rewarding career path. Read more about her and why she loves the vet tech profession and how she can help you reach your goals.

How to Learn More About Ashworth’s Online Classes

Written by Des Sinkevich on Friday, 25 March 2022. Posted in Why Ashworth

Man using tablet for research.

Whether you want to learn new skills, earn a degree, or just add a certificate to your resume, going back to school at any age can come with some uncertainty. How do you know what you’re learning is what you need to know? Before enrolling in an Ashworth College program, here’s how to find out more information about the classes you’ll take and what you’ll learn in each one.

How Do Proctored Exams Work?

Written by Des Sinkevich on Thursday, 17 February 2022. Posted in Why Ashworth

Woman taking notes and using laptop.

One part of taking college classes is sitting for and passing your final exams. Final exams measure how much you retained from your classes and if you’re ready to move on to higher-level courses. In your online college degree with Ashworth, you’ll have end of semester exams called “proctored exams” or “semester exams.” They’re an important part of your education, so you want to make sure you understand how they work and what you need to do to pass them. Here’s everything you need to know about proctored exams!

What Are In-Demand Careers for 2022?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Thursday, 03 February 2022. Posted in Why Ashworth

Person typing on laptop.

With still much of 2022 ahead of us, you may still be thinking about where you would like the new year to take you. If you’re looking to begin a new career, check out these in-demand careers, organized by field, and how Ashworth College can help you get started.

How Does Ashworth College Tuition Work?

Written by Des Sinkevich on Monday, 10 January 2022. Posted in Why Ashworth

Person putting change in piggy bank.

If you’re interested in starting a new career or qualifying for a promotion in your current job, you may need to further your skills. But pursuing a diploma or degree can be costly at a traditional school and you may not want to take out student loans that can leave you in debt for years. With Ashworth College, however, you can earn an affordable degree without stressing your budget or worrying about student loan debt. Here’s everything you need to know about the cost of our online programs, how our flexible payment plans work, and how you can take the next steps toward the career you want with an online degree.

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