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Ashworth College Blog

Why Ashworth

We’re in the business of breaking down barriers for our students! With more than 30 years experience, we truly understand the very real obstacles you face. But—more importantly—we know how to help you overcome those obstacles and reach your full potential.

3 Reasons To Go Back To School With Ashworth

Written by Ashworth College on Thursday, 28 October 2021. Posted in Why Ashworth

Woman studying in bed.

As a busy adult, going back to school – whether it’s to earn your college degree or learn a new skill in a career diploma program – is something you know can help you advance your career and reach your personal and financial goals. A traditional college or technical school, however, may not fit your needs; that’s where online education comes in. More and more, online education is becoming the go-to way to further your education, but is it right for you? Here are three reasons why going back to school with Ashworth College can be your best option.

What Are the Differences Between a Certificate, Diploma, & Degree?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 24 August 2020. Posted in Career, Online College, Why Ashworth

Girl looking out from book.

So, you’re ready to start the next step in your education, but aren’t sure where to start. With so many options out there, the information can be overwhelming. For instance, what is the difference between a degree, a certificate, and a diploma? Are there different kinds of each? And more importantly, which one will meet your needs? Ashworth College can help you understand your options and choose which path is right for you.

How to Use the GI Bill® for Education

Written by Autumn Granza on Wednesday, 19 February 2020. Posted in Why Ashworth

Person with military backpack.

*The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Whether you’ve served your country or find yourself moving from state to state as a military spouse, your duty doesn’t mean that you should sacrifice your education. Let knowledge be your next step.

HELP! Ashworth Resources to the Rescue

Written by Autumn Granza on Friday, 24 May 2019. Posted in Why Ashworth

Students writing on paper with a pencil next to a laptop.

Being an online learner means you’re independent, but it doesn’t mean you’re alone. Ashworth has various resources to help you stay on course throughout your educational journey. From phone support and tutoring to career guidance, Ashworth has your back every step of the way.

Changing Careers to Find Success

Written by Ashworth College on Tuesday, 12 February 2019. Posted in Career, Why Ashworth

How can I change careers as an established adult?

If your job no longer excites you as much as it once did, you may need to consider changing careers. It seems like an intimidating idea at first, but no matter where you are in your work life, making a career change could be the solution that leads to a happier, more successful you.

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