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Ashworth College Blog


Whether you’re interested in a career program, full-on degree, or are still exploring options, our Career articles will open your eyes to the many opportunities available to you.

How to Become an Electrician (Guide)

Written by Laura Amendola on Thursday, 25 July 2024. Posted in Career

Woman working in an electrical box.

The skilled trades field is a respectable, growing option for many adults entering the workforce or looking for a new career. There are many different trades jobs that could be a good fit for you, but for many, becoming an electrician offers the potential to earn a decent living from the start and even gives you skills that you can use in your own home. If you want to learn how to become an electrician, this guide is for you!

What Jobs Can You Get With a Child Development Associate Credential?

Written by Des Sinkevich on Wednesday, 10 July 2024. Posted in Career

Students in class.

Having a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential on your resume can make a big difference when you’re looking for daycare jobs or when you want to get promoted at your current school. It can also often be a requirement for many child care employers. Here’s what you need to know about the CDA, how to get it, and the impact it can have on your career.

What Does a Sterile Processing Technician Do?

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Monday, 26 June 2023. Posted in Career, Healthcare

Hospital workers wearing protective equipment handling medical instruments.

Breathe in, breathe out. In the quiet corners of bustling hospitals and medical centers, a different kind of hero works tirelessly. As the unsung champions of healthcare, Sterile Processing Technicians (SPT) operate behind the scenes, ensuring the front-liners have the cleanest, safest tools to save lives every day. While the role may not be widely known, it's crucial to the healthcare system. Let's delve into the world of Sterile Processing and understand what an SPT does.

How to Become a Medical Coder with No Experience: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Thursday, 08 June 2023. Posted in Career, Healthcare

Man in blue scrubs with headset in medical office.

Job opportunities are no longer solely defined by formal education or years of experience. A prime example of this is the field of medical coding. Despite seeming like a specialized profession, you can enter into it even without prior experience!. This guide will help you understand how to become a medical coder when you don’t have professional experience. Let's dive in.

What You Can Do with a Psychology Degree

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Tuesday, 31 January 2023. Posted in Career

Profile view of a human brain, in shades of purple and blue, on a purple and blue gradient background.

When people think about a degree in psychology, they assume you have to earn at least a master’s degree to turn an education into a career. The idea of a time and financial commitment that large can be a big deterrent from pursuing what you’re interested in. While there are certain jobs you can only do with an advanced degree, such as a psychologist, there are plenty of career options for those with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

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