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Ashworth College Blog


Whether you’re interested in a career program, full-on degree, or are still exploring options, our Career articles will open your eyes to the many opportunities available to you.

What Kind of Jobs Can I Get with a Marketing Degree?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Thursday, 06 May 2021. Posted in Career

People conducting a meeting

Marketing is a fast-paced, growing field that requires a lot of creativity, strong communication skills, and the ability to work well on a team. Marketers play an important role in every business, providing a solid background for success. If you want to put your creativity to use, working collaboratively, check out some of the most in-demand roles in marketing, and what you need to get started in the field.

What Can You Do with a Degree in Healthcare Management?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Thursday, 22 April 2021. Posted in Career

Woman in office looking at computer screen

Have you ever wondered just how hospitals and other medical facilities run smoothly? Healthcare managers are the behind-the-scenes operators who ensure the important, administrative aspects are working to their top potential. Keep reading to find out more about the important role they play, and what you need to start your career in this in-demand field.

How Can I Learn Bookkeeping

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 19 April 2021. Posted in Career

Laptops and paperwork

Bookkeepers may work behind the scenes, but they have one of the most important jobs in business. If you’ve got a passion for numbers and organization, find out how you can turn those talents into a rewarding career with help from Ashworth College.

What You Can Do with a Degree in Criminal Justice

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 07 April 2021. Posted in Career

Police Officer walking

Criminal Justice is a vital part of our society, spanning multiple areas like law enforcement and corrections. There are jobs to be found at every level, whether it be private, local, state, or federal. If you’re interested in starting a career in public service but aren’t sure what you’d like to do, keep reading to learn more about some of the most popular jobs you can begin to prepare to take on with a criminal justice degree.

What Makes a Good Childcare Provider

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Thursday, 04 March 2021. Posted in Career

Woman sitting on blue couch with children

Childcare careers have always played an essential role in our society. But it takes more than just a fondness for children to work with them. More than ever, kids need security, routine, and an environment that nurtures their physical and emotional well-being. Learn more about what it takes to make an impact as a good childcare provider.

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