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Ashworth College Blog


Whether you’re interested in a career program, full-on degree, or are still exploring options, our Career articles will open your eyes to the many opportunities available to you.

How Can I Become a Home Inspector?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 07 December 2020. Posted in Career

Man in hardhat looking through equipment

Home inspection is a process that most houses must undergo before being purchased. During a home inspection, a house is examined to make sure it’s structurally sound and up to code. This can involve looking for signs of mold, radon, insect infestations such as termites, and other problems that cause significant damage to the condition of the home. Because of these potentially damaging problems, the sale of the house is often dependent on whether or not it passes the inspection. But not just any contractor can perform this duty; a qualified home inspector must be hired to give an official report of the findings.

Want to Learn to Manage a Restaurant or Hotel?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Thursday, 12 November 2020. Posted in Career

Outdoor hanging sign for Hotel & Restaurant

For a restaurant or hotel to run smoothly, good management must be in place. Hotel and restaurant managers take on a lot of responsibilities to not only ensure customers have a good experience, but that the business remains profitable and successful.

What is Security Management?

Written by Michelle Ecker on Thursday, 12 November 2020. Posted in Career

Security manager talking on phone

Security management has always been a major concern among owners of public venues. Places such as hospitals, college campuses, casinos, airports, sports arenas, retail stores- managers of all these locations are consistently tasked with the ongoing duty of providing various forms of security to visitors and staff. In order to achieve this, millions of security professionals are employed across the country to maintain various forms of safety.

What Does a Transmission Technician Do?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Tuesday, 27 October 2020. Posted in Career

Man looking at car engine

Transmission technician might not be a job you’re familiar with, but we depend on them every day. Whether you drive a car, take the bus, or rely on vehicles for deliveries, transmission technicians ensure the vehicles we rely on are functioning properly.

How Can I Become a Dental Office Assistant?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Tuesday, 13 October 2020. Posted in Career, Online College

Man viewing dental x-rays

Dental office assistants are part of the core team that keeps a dental office running. One of the most versatile roles within the office, they handle office tasks and lab work as well as some aspects of patient care. It’s necessary for dental assistants to not only be personable and possess strong technical skills, but they must also have a solid, credentialed education. If you’d like to work in patient care and assist running a busy office as a dental office assistant, a Dental Assistant Career Diploma from Ashworth College can set you on the path towards reaching your goal.

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