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Ashworth College Blog

Education Blog

You’re on your way to taking control of your future. Tune in to the Ashworth College Blog to access the latest program updates, industry insights, and tips & tricks that set you up for success. And remember you’re never alone on your journey – stay connected with Ashworth College and our thriving student community here and on our social sites.

What’s the Difference Between an Undergraduate Certificate & an Associate Degree?

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Tuesday, 06 June 2023. Posted in Why Ashworth

Graduate with decorated cap.

Deciding on the right path for your education journey is crucial to shaping your future career. It's about finding the right balance between the time you can commit, the depth of knowledge you aim to achieve, and the career goals you aspire to reach. In this blog post, we'll delve into various educational pathways, including undergraduate certificates, associate degrees, career diplomas, and bachelor’s degrees. We'll explore what they entail, how they compare, and why each might be the right choice for different learners with varying career objectives. Your educational journey is uniquely yours - and understanding the differences between these qualifications can help guide you toward the most fulfilling path.

What You Can Do with a Psychology Degree

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Tuesday, 31 January 2023. Posted in Career

Profile view of a human brain, in shades of purple and blue, on a purple and blue gradient background.

When people think about a degree in psychology, they assume you have to earn at least a master’s degree to turn an education into a career. The idea of a time and financial commitment that large can be a big deterrent from pursuing what you’re interested in. While there are certain jobs you can only do with an advanced degree, such as a psychologist, there are plenty of career options for those with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

Day in the Life of a Pharm Tech: What Do Pharm Techs Do?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Friday, 27 January 2023. Posted in Career

Woman with blonde, curly hair administering a vaccine in the left arm of a child with brown hair wearing a blue shirt.

If you’re considering working in healthcare, it’s important to know what jobs are out there and which one is best for you. Pharmacy technicians provide daily support to pharmacists and their clients, and as their job duties expand in the post-pandemic world, so do opportunities for those looking to enter the field. Check out what you need to know to start a rewarding career in this growing industry.

Medical Assistant vs. Medical Coder: Which Career Is Right for You?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 23 January 2023. Posted in Career

Woman with brown hair, wearing a surgical mask and gray scrubs, standing in front of medical equipment.

The demand for healthcare professionals has, for the most part, always been pretty steady. However, the need for qualified, well-rounded healthcare workers has increased in the past few years, thanks in part to the Covid-19 pandemic. Medical assistants and medical coders, in particular, have seen a steady rise in need. Here we will break down the similarities and differences between the two, and what’s needed to get started in both, to help you make the best career choice for you.

How much do vet techs make, anyway?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 16 January 2023. Posted in Career

How much do vet techs make, anyway?

As an animal lover, you want to make a career from your passion: helping pets and their humans. Becoming a veterinary technician seems like the perfect career choice. As a vet tech, you’ll work with veterinarians to see sick or injured animals and often be responsible for collecting samples, performing medical tests, and prepping exam rooms. Depending on the veterinary practice or animal clinic you work for, those duties can vary. While those tasks sound like your dream job, as much as you love making a difference, salary matters, too. The median pay for a practicing vet tech in 2021 was $17.72 per hour or $36,850 per year. However, depending on the state you live in, your credentials, and your specific employer, potential entry-level pay can fluctuate. Here are some key factors that affect vet tech pay and responsibilities.

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