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Education Blog

You’re on your way to taking control of your future. Tune in to the Ashworth College Blog to access the latest program updates, industry insights, and tips & tricks that set you up for success. And remember you’re never alone on your journey – stay connected with Ashworth College and our thriving student community here and on our social sites.

Why You Should Attend Trade School Online

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 27 September 2021. Posted in Career

Two women in workshop using power tools.

For decades, many people passed over trades careers in favor of attending traditional, four-year colleges. However, we’re starting to see a shift, as more skilled workers are urgently needed throughout a variety of industries. Keep reading to find out why an online trade school can make a difference in your education and career.

Which Technology Careers are In-Demand?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 08 September 2021. Posted in Career

Laptop and desktop computers.

It’s hard to do anything today without the use of some form of technology. In today’s digital world, every type of business now uses technology, touching every aspect of our lives. Because of this, there’s a large demand for knowledgeable experts to help ensure everything runs smoothly with as few interruptions as possible. This reliance means technology careers can be a lucrative field to work within, and Ashworth College can help you get started.

How to Study for School as a Parent

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 08 September 2021. Posted in Life Hacks

Woman hugging a child.

Back-to-school season is in full swing. With children heading back to the daily grind of classes and studying, you might be wondering how you’ll fit your own studies into already packed schedules. Check out some of these tips from Ashworth College to help you study as a parent.

How to Prepare for a Career in Legal Studies

Written by Ashworth College on Thursday, 12 August 2021. Posted in Career

Exterior of court house.

Legal studies are a key element of making sure the justice system can function properly. It’s common to associate these roles involving the study of law with just lawyers, however, there is a complex and important system of staff and support roles that form the backbone of the legal system. Keep reading to learn more about what positions are needed and how you can pursue a satisfying job in the legal field.

What is an Online Career School?

Written by Ashworth College on Tuesday, 20 July 2021. Posted in Career

Woman studying and taking notes at her desk with a laptop.

If you’re interested in starting a new career but need training or want to add relevant education to your resume to help you stand out, you may think you need to get a college degree. But depending on what you want to do, that’s not necessarily the case! An online career school could be the perfect option to help you prepare to boost your resume and learn new skills. Here’s everything you need to know about online career school and how Ashworth can help you take the next steps toward the job you want.

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